Sunday, January 1, 2012

A New Start to This Blog and This Year

God has been prompting me for a long time to add to this blog. I just did not know how to pick it up after 6 months, then a year, then 2 years, then 3. So I decided that to simply be obedient and get going.
God has been faithful! He has been so faithful. As I start this new year, I have some areas that are screaming to be shared. If no one reads this blog, it really will not matter. I just want to be obedient to share some truths.
The main topics that are on my heart are being a Proverbs 31 woman, taking care of our bodies, and the power of a focused life. I am going to try to stay focused on those three areas.
Since it is New Year's Day, the one that is on my mind today is being more balanced. As I get older, I realize that my ministry will be more difficult if I am unhealthy in any area. If I allow my prayer life, my Bible study,and even my eating plan to get out of ministry will suffer. For the past couple of weeks I have tried to make changes to any area that needs tweaking. It is so hard to change! Yikes! I started a new Bible study plan to dig deep into the New Testament this year. If I spend a month on one verse, then I will allow myself to do that. For the past 33 years, I have read through the Bible every year. I am realizing that I need to slow down and let each verse change my life. As far as my prayer life...I want to keep on trusting and praying and having a heart of gratitude. Turn my thinking around as quick as I can when life gets rough and see things from an eternal perspective, not temporary.
Lastly, my eating and exercise are way out of balance. The past three days, I have fasted and prayed to get my head neutral and hear what God is wanting to teach me in this area. I will try to actually write more about this area because I want to be accountable to others. I am thankful that God is so patient with our shortcomings and failures. I believe that any efforts that we make to please Him are magnified 1000 times in his eyes. He is the perfect Father.
If you read this blog, two things are happening. You are thinking that you need to make courageous changes this year. I cannot imagine what your weak areas are. They are probably different than mine. However, the second thing that is happening is that the liar and accuser is already convincing you that you cannot change. Test the voice you are listening to. The only voice that is worth acknowledging is the voice of your Heavenly Father. What would He be speaking to your heart?
Lastly, I am a prayer and lover of people. If you need me to pray for you, I would be honored.

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