Monday, January 2, 2012

Long Day

I am not going to post everyday but I may need to express my failures and successes a little more often at first. I made it through yesterday, achieving all the small goals I had set. I do not think anyone would be interested in reading about what I eat everyday so I will simply say that yesterday seemed like the longest day! However, my motto kept coming throught my mind...I do not eat like that anymore. From a spiritual aspect, we need to realize that we are wretched sinners who are set free from the sin that so easily entangles us. In 1 Peter 2, it says to "Live as free people, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as God's slaves." Can we say outloud that overeating is a sin, to eat unhealthy is a sin, to eat fast food and junk food is a sin? Why...simply because of the ramifications of these actions. We put our health at risk. We put our ministry at risk. We may put our marriage at risk. We may be putting our future marriage at risk. Satan knows that he can accuse us the minute we do the very thing he has tempted us to do in the first place. In Christ there is no condemnation so that is not condemnation from him. The Holy Spirit convicts, not condemns. Big difference. One is the recipe to give up, while conviction brings hope that you can overcome that sin. Reading the Bible and praying were firmly in place for me in 2011, but this area of health was creeping out of balance. I will have to have a lot of accountability in this area to turn the ship around. Please use this blog as an area of accountability for you, if you desire. No judgement here if you feel that your devotional times are nonexistence. It would be amazing if this blog helps someone come to know Christ this year! As I stated yesterday, I am writing out of obedience, not because I want to show my weaknesses to the world. That is exactly why I quit writing 3 years ago. I could not stand to put my heart out there for people to read. It is too embarrassing. I read something about a month ago that made me want to start writing again. In 1st and 2nd Peter, you get the impression that these books were his swan song. He realized that he was probably going to die soon and wanted to say all that God had told him to say. Even though I do not feel like my time is close(hope not, I have a grandson to meet!), the devotional pierced my heart when it challenged me to do anything I had put off. What was I waiting for? Retirement? That is the lamest excuse I have ever heard. Debts paid? Pitiful reason. Some of us may say, "When I marry, I will have quiet times with my husband and be more committted." Really??? Whatever the reason we have used to put off living, it is time to write it down and light a match to it! I have a lot more to say, but I have to finish schoolwork:):):)

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