Thursday, May 26, 2016

Fear of Exercise?

“The Spirit God gave us does not make us afraid. His Spirit is a source of power and love and self-control.”
2 Timothy 1:7 ERV
As I am writing this post, I am taking Ibuprofen and alternating ice and a heating pad on my legs. I feel like I am a 100 years old! I missed two weeks of Body Pump(extremely rare for me to miss). When I returned on Monday to work out, I was faced with the consequences of missing for two weeks...sore muscles. 
But then I read this verse. God does not give me a spirit of fear. He is a "source of power." He will provide the power that I lack to move about and play with my grandsons and help me to rapel on a school trip and think about riding bikes when I am old. He gives the power and courage! Let me be totally honest. I do not like to hurt like this. I want to give up exercise forever. So the power that I am experiencing is from Him, not me. 
The verse also mentions that He gives "self-control." The definition of self control is to "control one's emotions and behavior in the face of impulses and temptations Self control is necessary to achieve goals and regulate our behavior." We need to ask boldly and often for a spirit of self control. Our own control is pathetic. We choose the wrong path most of the time. 
If you are facing fear about starting an exercise program for any reason...age, years of inactivity, physical limitations- read this verse. Ask God to remind you of His part. Quit focusing on your part. Start today and let God get the glory when others see you displaying courage in your exercise program.

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