Tuesday, June 5, 2012

What is your one thing?

Do you ever find yourself thinking "My life would be perfect if I just had this one thing." We tell God that we love and appreciate all his good gifts, but could he just change just this one thing. The one thing may be a mate. We have everything we need but we just want to be married. We are totally content except we need a spouse to enjoy life with. It may be that you are married and you want God to just fix your spouse.  That's it.  You have great kids, but God could just change your spouse into the kind you dreamed of, instead of the one you got stuck with.
Or maybe your one thing is a desire for a child of your own. You and your husband/wife have a home, finances, friends...just no child to love and hold. Perhaps you already have kids but they are hurting your heart.  I can clearly remember that time in my life.  I pleaded with God to just heal the heart of our son. That's all I asked God to do, day after day, for 6 years.
Maybe your one thing is the healing of a loved one or even ourselves. You plead with God to divinely intervene and take away the cancer or other affliction. Perhaps, it was a past disappointment or loss that cannot be changed on this side of heaven.
What is your one thing?  We all have one. The situation that holds us back from complete happiness. This is linked to the most often asked question..."Why would God even ALLOW this in my life?" Does God love me enough to fix this one thing in my life? Or maybe the bigger question is "Is God powerful enough to fix this one thing in my life?"  How we answer that question defines who we are and how we live.
There is a verse in Deuteronomy where Moses is warning the children of Israel about worshiping gods made by their own hands. (Deuteronomy 4:28) "There you will worship man-made gods of wood and stone, which cannot see or hear or eat or smell.
Obviously, we would not worship a wooden statute. We are too advanced for that, right? As Christians, we would profess that the god we worship is not a statue but a real live god. However, that is exactly the point that defines our beliefs. Do we believe our God is more powerful that a wooden statue that we could make with our own hands? Do we believe that he is all-loving, all-forgiving, all-knowing of our circumstances? Do we realize that we are praying to the real deal? Or do we feel like we are praying to a man, like ourselves?  If I am asking Mark to fix my life's problems, he would be so limited.  But I am not asking Mark, I am asking God, who is unlimited in his resources.
Now here is where it goes off my chart of understanding.  It does not take much to go off my chart of understanding:) I could not possibly know why God allows the "one things" in my life to exist.  But I can trust him totally that he does allow them to exist. Let that sink in for a minute. He does not run out of steam, he does not take a nap, he does not turn his head the other way and miss some big event going on in your life.  Jesus says that "he lives to intercede for us."  He is sitting at the right hand of the Father right this minute and he is talking about you and your situation.  He is not sick of you and your whining. I would be, but remember I am not God. I am not like him.  We cannot define him so that he is small enough to fit into our understanding of him.
So the answer to the question "What is your one thing?"  is this...it is his one thing for you.  His love is so tender and perfect.  The Bible says that we do not need to "fear a perfect love." We do not have to understand it.  He can be trusted with this one thing.