Thursday, June 12, 2008

Ten Must Haves!!!

"The king is enthralled by your beauty; honor him, for he is your lord." Psalms 45:11
If you have ever heard me share about dating, you have heard me share this verse. I weep whenever I read it actually. It is a reminder to me that NO ONE will ever love me like the king of kings, Jesus Christ himself. No one will ever love you more than you are already loved by your Saviour. Leave me a message if you need to know more about that. None of this stuff matters more than your relationship with Christ.
That being said, I want to tell you about this next list. I will tell you the 25 most popular must-haves. Again, the credit belongs to Neil Clark Warren, who wrote Two Dates or Less.
You will have to choose only 10 of these to be the things YOU consider the must-haves in your mate. This is so exciting!!!
1. Emotionally healthy.
2. Strong character.
3. Same Energy level.
4. Intelligence.
5. Chemistry.
6. Financial Security.
7. Verbal Intimacy.
8. Conflict-Resolution Skills.
9. Personal Habits, like grooming, punctuality, dependability, orderliness and remembering important dates.
10. Spirituality. Not just are they a Christian, but are they on your level?
11. Shared Interests, Hobbies,etc.
12. Political and Social Views.
13. Interest in Parenting and Apparent Ability to do it Well.
14. Personality.
15. Values.
16. Skills(taking care of household, taking care of automobile, athletics, dancing, etc)
17. Ambition.
18. Age
19. Race.
20. Religious Affiliation(Jewish, Catholic, Baptist, etc).
21. Level of Education.
22. Sexual History(purity, for example).
23. Height and Body Style.
24. Facial Features(how attractive).
25. Clothes Style(dresses in-style or out of style, expensive clothes or not, etc.)

Here is the hard can only pick ten! After you have picked only ten, put them in order of importance, most to least important. If you are sincere in picking your list, then everyone you date should meet most of those requirements. Do not change just because you feel like that person will change or because you may not met anyone better and you need to settle for this person. Tomorrow will be the list of "can't-stands." Is this fun or not? If you are not sure what one of these mean, leave me a message. Of course, I don't know how to reply to a message.:):):)


Unknown said...

I really don't know how to respond to a message either except for the just responding in the comments area on your own blog. I guess you could just send an email...not sure. Let me know if you figure that one out. Keep it up! The blog is fun!

D.O. said...

Yes, depending on how you approach blogging you either reply in the comments section of the post to which you want to reply, or send that particular person an email. I go the email route, many go the comment route.

On lists: Jon T's mom (Jane T, of Kindergarten teaching fame) makes all of his friend do this list. It's pretty fun. However, I've begun to think in recent years that these lists that we make for our future mates are pretty selfish in nature. We can get to the point where we really limit God on what He can offer us single folk. I know its a little hard to pull dating/courting/whatever views from scripture, but I don't really see any places where people who are fully submitted to the Father go and put conditions (i.e. lists)on things. Obviously there are some deal breakers -- or at least one -- like they must be going hard after Jesus. Other than that, I'm not so sure things matter. So long as they're surrendered to Him, things should certainly be able to work themselves out (assuming you are too).

So that's my two cents. I'm not hating on the lists (I actually adore lists, as it were), just throwing another viewpoint out there for your countless readers.


meditations said...

I think this is how I answer D.O. I love this guy to pieces, by the way. I absolutley love that he is giving a different viewpoint and I will give it thought and come up with a response, D.O.