Monday, June 30, 2008

How Do You Expect God to Be?

I almost regret that I have started blogging. The way that I approach blogging puts a lot of pressure on me. I do not want to write about what I am doing. I want to write about what God is saying to me. I HUGELY enjoy reading other's blogs about what they are doing because it is a way of seeing how God is working in their life. I have simply not felt that that is how I want to write my blog. Therefore, I dread each time that I have to write because of the pressure of what to say. No slacking whatsoever!
That being said, I loved, loved, loved what I read this morning in Psalms 147. Let me also add a parentheses here and explain something. Mark and I read through the Bible every year. One of the main reasons that I love June is because I am out of school and because I am reading through the book of Psalms during the month of June...every year...for about 25 years. Okay, back to Psalms 147.
It says "The speed of a horse is nothing to him. How puny in his sight is the strength of a man. But his joy is in those who reverence him, those who expect him to be loving and kind." Doesn't that blow you away? You want to see God smiling? Reverence him and simply expect him to be loving and kind.
We all have different expectations of God. I have said this several blogs ago but it bears repeating. The most dangerous thing you can do is to make up your own version of God. Back in Psalms 135 it says,"The heathen worship idols of gold and silver made by men - idols with speechless mouths and sightless eyes and ears that cannot hear; they cannot even breathe. Those who make them become like them. And so do all who trust in them." When we expect God to be weak(like us) to be limited in knowledge(like us) to be limited in strength(like us) to take safe, predictable risks(like us) then that is what our life will be like. When our god is weak and human, then we settle for a life that is boring, depressing and at best, manageable. When we catch a glimpse of His glory and realize that He is NOTHING like us, we will pray differently and expect great things because we asking God Almighty to intervene.
We were reminded yesterday in our church service of the important of putting the Word of God as the highest priority in out life. Satan has lulled us into a false sense of security when we think that we can get by without reading God's word. When we don't read God's word, we do not ever figure out who God is. So when we pray to God we imagine him to be human and limited like us. In fact, if you are reading this blog, and do not know Christ as your Saviour, I would like to tell you why you may not be taking that step of faith. You imagine God as like you. You cannot imagine that he could add anything to your existence because he is just like you. You think that he thinks like you and provides out of a limited budget, with limited power and limited knowledge like you have. You reason that if you can't figure out your life's problems, how can God figure out your life's problems. I say that with tenderness and compassion because we are all like that to some extent. By God's mercy, he showed me that he is not at all like me. By spending time in God's word, I am constantly learning how He really is and not how I imagine him to be.
So back to the original thought. The more we read about God and how he operates, the more we understand that he is loving and kind and not a god who is ready to pounce on us at the slightest mistake. I would be heartbroken if my two sons viewed Mark and I as parents who cannot be trusted. If they came to us with a request or a problem, we would move heaven and earth to try to help them out. I hope that they expect us to be loving and kind to them. Since we are imperfect parents, how much more so will God hear my cry for grace and mercy and be loving and kind towards me. In Psalms 56, it says,"You have collected all my tears and preserved them in your bottle! You have recorded every one in your book." I can guarantee that Mark does not collect my tears and record every one in a book and Mark loves me a lot. So God is infinitely more loving and kind than my own husband.
I could go on and on about how important it is to stay in Gods word so that we can read about how loving and kind he is. I desire that this idea is so immersed in my mind, that God looks on me with joy because I EXPECT Him to be that way and not just because I hope he is that way!

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