Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Two Dates or Less

Another powerful verse...
Psalms 37:34 "Wait for the LORD and keep his way. He will exalt you to inherit the land." I like the second part. I don't like the first part. Plain and simple. Waiting is my least favorite thing to do. In so many areas of my life, I would rather go ahead and do it myself, if I have to wait for someone else to do it.
However, God repeated this command more times than I can count in the Bible. He is constantly asking us to wait on Him and NOT go ahead and do it ourselves. The waiting is a sign that we trust him. I think it is like emailing a best friend vs a casual acquaintance. If I did not hear back immediately from a best friend, I would not panic. I trust that person. We have a relationship with each other. I would assume that my friend is giving careful thought to whatever I said before they respond.
You have probably guessed how this fits in with the title...Two Dates or Less. We justify, rationalize or just outright rebel against this request to wait on God to bring the right mate into our life. We don't trust that he is taking care of things in our timetable.
I picked up a great book last weekend called Two Dates or Less. I want to share with my college group some great advice on choosing the love of your life. I will start general and then add some specifics tomorrow...the cliff-hanger, remember?
1) You have to get to know yourself so well that you can precisely identify the kind of person you will need to marry.
2) You need to figure out the ten most important items on your must-have list and the ten most important items on your can't-stand list. I will tell you some choices to help out here.
3) You need to learn how to read people so you can determine if this person is the right choice for you.
One more thing, a bad mariage is a 1000 times worse than no marriage at all. Repeat that to yourself 20 times a day.

1 comment:

Michelle Myers said...

Pat Cooper, you are incredible and a blessing to be around. I hope I can be half the woman you are someday. I LOVE YOU!