Friday, July 27, 2012

Attracting your husband, part 3

Quick computer is broken, but I have some thoughts that won't wait. I'll just type this on my IPhone.
"Wives, understand and support your husbands by submitting to them in ways that honor the Master. (Colossians 3:18 MSG)"

There are so many things we gain by learning how to submit, even when submitting does not make sense. A popular phrase that I heard yesterday "give respect so that you will earn respect." I have not read a verse in the Bible that backs up this principal.

Sometimes, the person will not earn our respect, but we obediently give our respect anyway. My dad did not have to earn my submission and respect. He just expected it because he was my dad. God absolutely does not have to earn my respect in any way shape or form. I can't wait to understand God ways before yielding to his authority.

Same way with our husbands. Fit in with his plans. Encourage him. Respect him. I am writing this to myself because I am so strong-willed. The reward of respecting Mark...I grow more in my walk with the Lord. When we obey, especially when we do not agree, we grow some muscles that we never had before.

I'll end this blog by saying that you actually can't work to attract your husband! You can grow in your relationship with Christ and pretty soon as you look more like Christ, you will attract your husband's attention.

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