Tuesday, July 24, 2012

An attractive wife

I have been giving this topic a lot of thought...34 years actually!   What really makes a woman attractive?  From the time we realize that boys are not yucky, we are created to desire their attention. The first female, Eve, had this desire placed in her. In Genesis 3:16, "Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you. ”  We can't help it if we tried!

It is normal to crave the attention of the male species. When we dress in the morning, we think about what outfit will get the desired effect. As an aside, I want to issue a word of warning.  When you walk out of the house dressed inappropriately, you are advertising to a lot of men not just your husband.  You did not just accidentally put on a low cut top or shorts that show way more than what needs to be shown. You purposely chose that outfit.   Would you walk up to any married man and say, "Please notice me? I don't care what your wife thinks, just notice me." Of course not!  But you are doing the same thing when you dress inappropriately.  Listen to my next statement.  I am not mad when you do that, I am wondering why you need that much attention from the wrong guy. Ask yourself that question sometime.

I have made some observations over my many years.  One interesting observation is that some incredibly beautiful women in the movie business seemed to get divorces at an alarming rate. Outward beauty does not seem to be enough.  So what makes ordinary women like us stand a chance? If beauty does not guarantee marriage success, what do we need to do to be attractive to our husbands?

First of all, I love the story of Ruth in the Bible.  The qualities she possessed were enviable. She was submissive to her mother-in-law out of sheer kindness.  She followed her back to her homeland after her husband died. She served her by going out every day to gather food. She gathered the food for their household!  I will tell you what speaks loudly to me here. She honored her husband's family.  How many times have you heard someone say mean things about their spouse's mom or family?  It is actually rare to find a wife who does not do this. I have made it a point to not say anything negative to Mark about any of his family.  They have warts, just like my family.  He loves and appreciates that I do not do that.

Another story that I dearly love is the story of Esther.  To condense the story, Esther was asked by her Jewish cousin, Mordecai, to confront the King about the soon-to-be massacre of the Jewish people.  She knew that, even though the King was her husband, she would be killed if he did not hold out the golden scepter to her when she approached.  During that time period, it was a high risk position in which to be found.  She decided to approach her husband, by whom she had not been summoned in many months. She invited him to two intimate dinners before she made her request to save her people. I can't help but imagine that he was delighted by such a wife who displayed courage and cleverness and he granted her request immediately. I believe that Mark is attracted to courage and cleverness and not always living in the safe lane.

I could go on and on by examples in the Bible of women who gained the respect and love of their husband by just being a woman of character. Men are not attracted to sleaze.  Men are attracted to females who have more than good looks. Our husbands attracted to trustworthiness.  Mark needs to feel safe with me. I believe men are attracted to confident women.  I am not talking about boastful women.  I have seen a lot of wives brag about how they make more money than their husbands, work harder than their husbands, are smarter than their husbands, etc.  Good grief, what are they thinking?  I am talking about confident women who know that their value is found in the Lord, not their husband.

I am realizing that this blog opened a lot of thoughts in my heart.  I write this blog to speak truth.  I would love to think that some women may read this blog and hear a different way of looking at things.

I going to have a cliff-hanger.  Tomorrow I am going to talk about some physical characterics that matter to our husband. Check back with me.

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