Monday, October 7, 2019

Do Not Lean on Your Understanding

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.”
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭3:5‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Good grief...if you flip this verse, the truth pierces you.

“Do not lean on your own understanding...

You may not have come to a point in your life when your understanding was not enough. There are people that I know that think they have life figured out. I can just tell that they think that. They have an answer for everything.

I googled this question, “Why are some things hard to understand?” This guy named Serg Zhelezniak says,

“Certain subjects be it number theory, astrophysics, or advanced mechanics requires more than a brief encounter—it requires countless hours of persistence, determination, and creativity. In order to comprehend the innate intricacy of landing a probe on Mars.

Yes, many topics are far too convoluted and intricate to be understood in a few seconds or hours. They require more time, more devotion, more effort. But the payoff is one of the greatest pleasures of life: understanding.”

He is one of those guys I am talking about that really thinks he can figure out everything if he persists.

However, after living for so many years, things have gotten harder to figure out. My brain either got smaller or I am realizing that is beyond my understanding. I don’t have all the answers.

The older I get, it seems that I understand less and less. The world seems crazier. Why is someone needing to buy a gun and start shooting people? 

I used to be able to set goals and see where I am going in life. Now that I’m retired, I am perplexing about what goals to set.

Which brings me to the most wonderful, comforting part of the verse.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding.”

This is the most wonderful discovery...when my understanding fails me, it’s okay. I don’t have to stress or panic or be fearful.

When I realize how small and limited my mind is and tell God I can’t understand this, he says, “Good, can you just trust me?”

Someone needs to tell Serg that he will come to a point where he can’t figure out stuff.

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