Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Changing Churches

One of our closest friends, who happens to be a minster, asked Mark and I why we have stayed at the same church for 23 years. I was puzzled. I could not give him an answer at the time. I had never considered leaving our church. But the more I thought about it, the more I have come to realize that this is a most vital question that needs an answer.

"Our bodies have many parts, but the many parts make up only one body when they are all put together. So it is with the “body” of Christ." 1 Corinthians 12:12

Mark and I are part of the body. The church that we attend is not a piecemeal of preschool ministry, children's ministry, youth ministry, single's ministry and so on. We are all many parts, but put together we are the church. Mark and I have been a part of the youth ministry, college ministry, career ministry and young marrieds ministry. We also volunteer in the preschool ministry when they are shorthanded. 

As a deacon and wife, we help prepare The Lord Supper when it is our turn. Once a quarter, we counsel after the church service. Once a quarter, Mark visits church members that are in the hospital. On Thursday morning, Mark and I pray for several specific ministers during our prayer time. 

For Mark and I to change churches seems unthinkable. Part of the body would be ripped out. Not that our one little part is a big thing, but a hundred little parts are all put together to make our church part of the "body of Christ."

We have never looked at our church and considered whether we have chosen the best children's ministry when our kids were younger. It never occurred to us to "shop around" and see who had the best youth ministry when our sons were in high school. Because we prayed for our pastor on a weekly basis, it seemed odd to compare him to other pastors in town and see if he was the best speaker.

Mark and I have told our college and career class members a thousand times, "If you don't feel like you are a part, just come until you do."  God has never failed to answer a prayer when we cry out and ask. No matter what church you are attending and the reason that you feel it is not "serving" you, God is powerful enough to move in your church and in your situation. 

I think things we have to ask ourselves if we are considering changing churches. Do I expect the pastor to feed me or am I in the Word every single day? Do I have a heart of worship all day everyday or I am expecting a worship team on Sunday morning to motivate me to worship for ten minutes per week? Is there an area in your present church that God has called you to serve? Are you serving the body or are you expecting the body to serve you?

Maybe the only reason that I can think of to change churches is when you move. We moved 6 hours from home 23 years ago and it seemed like the best time to change churches:).  I had to follow every single piece of advice that I have given here, trust me. It took a long time to fit in. But I can't imagine being anywhere else. 

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