Monday, June 1, 2015

She is energetic and hard-working

Some women mistakenly think that being energetic or strong is a spiritual gift that only some wives possess. We make up excuses to ourselves about why we don't wake up early or why we don't exercise or why we are are too tired to make healthy meals for our family. We point our finger at others and say that if we were in their situation, we could be strong and energetic. 

However, it we are honest with ourselves we discover that this is within our reach. God doesn't put random things in his word to discourage us. He gives us the power to fulfill his word. He gives us the ability to be the kind of wives that our husbands will say,
“There are many good women, but you are the best.” (‭Proverbs‬ ‭31‬:‭29‬ ERV)

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