Sunday, November 2, 2014

November is a Good Month

There is something special about the beginning of November. It usually brings cooler weather. The leaves begin to change into beautiful colors. Families can squeeze in a visit with each other. We get to wear fall clothing:). I always forget how much I love to wear some different things. Put away the summer things and get out the sweaters and fall colors. If you are a teacher as I am, the routine is set. I can be more creative because I am not trying to learn their names and habits(good or bad). Our home decor can be spiced up a little with fall wreaths, pots of colorful mums and pumpkins by the front door.

However, November brings about an obsession with food like no other time of the year. We believe that we must try new recipes. We must celebrate the season by drinking a lot of pumpkin drinks and eating pumpkin cookies and making pumpkin bread. None of these are bad in itself. But the worship of the food becomes a problem. We have less time to exercise because of the special activities of the season. We throw up our hands and say "In January, I will begin a diet. I will start over." 

Don't  make these last two months of the year about food. Statistics show that the average weight gain during the holidays is 4-5 pounds. But it doesn't have to be that way. The last two months could be about working on a heart of gratitude by doing one minute planks and praises. The last two months could be about finally fueling yourself and not feeding yourself. The last two months could be about loving on your family more. The last two months could be about giving to a few needy families(use the money you save by not going out to eat so much). The last few months of the years could be about really spending time with our precious Heavenly Father. Wake up a little earlier and rejoice because you can "walk boldly before the throne of grace." I am smiling just thinking about that. November is going to be a good month!

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