Saturday, July 26, 2014

The End is Worth It:)

Let your roots grow down into him and draw up nourishment from him. See that you go on growing in the Lord, and become strong and vigorous in the truth you were taught. Let your lives overflow with joy and thanksgiving for all he has done. Colossians 2:7

I have been thinking a lot lately about the quality of my life…physically, emotionally and spiritually. Obviously, they are intertwined. One cannot be unhealthy in one area and not affect the others. 

In the past two years, I have made some much needed changes in the quality of my life physically. Hard changes. Confrontive changes. Grit-my-teeth-and-do-it kind of changes. I try to eat a healthy diet and lost about 35-40 pounds. I began to lift weights and ride bikes. Not a day goes by that I do not have to negotiate whether I will make the right choice today. Some days I do. Some days I don't. 

Because it is summer, I ride bikes a lot. I actually would rather not do that. My thighs hurt. I want to quit pedaling and rest. It is very hot and I am uncomfortable. When I am finished with the ride, I am ecstatic! We stop and get a drink at the store and it tastes unbelievable! What motivates me to get out there and ride bikes? The finishing treat, of course. 

The same would is true spiritually in our lives. In order to let our roots go down deep and draw up nourishment, we have to allow ourselves to go through hurt and pain. In James, it says,

"Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow…"

Do I like the trouble when it shows up? No, the pain is not pleasant to me just as working out with weights or riding bikes are not pleasant to me.  But I like how I feel when I walk through a valley with my hand in God's hand and end up on the other side and rejoice over his faithfulness. I want to tell everyone I meet how thankful I am for his goodness. I like the end part so much and I keep my focus on that and not the pain that I am experiencing for the moment. In fact,

2 Corinthians 4:17 
For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.

I want to finish strong in every area of my life. I am looking forward to that treat. It keeps me going when I want to give up. 

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