Monday, July 25, 2016

Election Year

 I really need to say something. The election in is confusing and fearful and weird. But here is a truth. We all need to vote for one candidate or the other. To not vote is irresponsible, perhaps a little immature. 

I actually have complete confidence in my students that when they turn 18, they are ready to make decisions about the future of our country. They may not always make the best decision but neither do I. I hope that older adults set the example for the younger generation that even though the choices are tricky, you still vote. 

To not vote means that you can never once complain about the Supreme Court decisions, whether the national debt increases, what happens with illegal immigrants, how a terrorist threat to our nation is handled, or even health insurance changes. You lost your chance to complain when you don't vote. 

If you are not sure who to vote for, do what I do. I am talking to people that I love and respect and asking questions, lots of questions! Grit your teeth and watch the conventions:). I watched three days of the Republican convention and learned a lot about Trump and his kids. I am scouring the Internet and trying to determine the views of each candidate. I am especially trying to see what evangelical Christian leaders are saying because I am more likely to vote as they do. And I get discouraged when strong leaders are silent because ordinary people like me need some guidance.

Notice that I am definitely NOT saying who to vote for. That is the great thing about living in this fabulous country. I guess I chose the picture because I hope it reminds us all that because a high price was paid so that we have the freedom to vote the way we want...we have to vote. 

So that is the main reason that I am writing this post. Get out and vote and encourage others to do the same. 

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