Thursday, August 2, 2012

The Power of a Focused Life, part 2

Are You Focused?

If you did not read yesterday's blog on writing a vision statement, I would suggest that you start with a short vision statement about direction of your life. Your vision statement serves as a compass to keep things going in the right direction.  It helps measure your progress, set goals for your life,establish priorities, and know when to use one of the most important words in your vocabulary...NO! Many of my ideas came from Mike Bickel, head of IHOP. I do not follow him but I read a sermon that he preached on this topic. 

My vision statement is

I want to grow more intimate in my relationship with God everyday, know what His will is for my life and accomplish things that count for eternity and not the temporary."

I wrote a list of things that I wanted to be said about me at the end of my life.  My "God" statement was:

"Pat loved me with all of her heart and all of her mind and all of her soul.  She trusted me, before she knew how I would respond.  She was about doing my work.  She enjoyed being in my presence, an exquisite joy.  She had a thankful heart.  She had a joyful heart. "  I am not kidding when I say that I want God to say that about me!!!

I asked myself the same question about Mark and my sweet sons, Ben and Luke.  I wanted them to say,

"She prayed about everything!!!  She was humble, not vain.  She added joy to everyone's life.  She had a servant heart.  She was consistent- she acted the same way around everyone.  She lived as she taught. Practiced what she preached." 

I want my friends to say,

"Pat was not afraid to be different.  She was NOT a person that conformed to the world's standards, but constantly tried to renew her mind and see that God's ways are best.   She really knew the Lord and had a vibrant walk with Him."

Can you see how, if those are the values I hold, they will determine the direction of my life?  Tall orders, for certain.  Unattainable...I do not think so.

Next step is to set our goals for each area of our life.  Many people try to set their goals before they even know the road they want to be on.  Make sure that you establish that first.

By the way, I want to list the things that I want to be true of me at age 60 and age 70.  Think about how important this is to set the vision early in life.  I am not looking back with a lot of regrets about my life.  Did I make a lot of mistakes?  Yes, indeed.  Did I get off track?  Yes, many times.  But I knew where I was heading, by God's grace.

In old age, I want these things to continue to be true about my life:

  • I want to have a great friendship with my family.
  • Still want a "pit crew" that sharpens me.
  • Anointed prayer life.
  • Know the Word of God.
  • Give away a large % of my income.  Be content to live on a smaller amount.
  • Still have an exciting ministry, "not slowed down to retire."
  • Physically fit, so I can still have the energy to serve.

Notice that I tried to list things in each area...spiritually, relationally, financially, vocationally, and my physical body.

Attempt to set a goal in each of these broad categories of your life.  This is a work in progress! You can reread it tomorrow and change it.   There are no right or wrong answers. There is no best age to start.  It is NEVER to late to start. Nobody is grading your answers to see if they are "good enough."  This is your life, not mine or anyone else's. I did not ask Mark about my goals.  However, the caution is that you will do this "one of these days"

My next blog will be about accomplishing these goals.  I realize that are a million websites on "goal setting." I plan on talking about setting an action plan to accomplish your goals. Keep in mind a couple of things.  First of all, I am not writing a blog on setting goals for your business.  Yes, I hope you have business goals.  But life is so much more than that. If you are only reading this blog so that you can make a million dollars and retire early...there are better written blogs than this one.  That is simply not one of my goals.  Remember I said I would give a lot of it away:)

Secondly, I want this to be more than an exercise. I want it to be a life change for you and for me. I want all that God has for me.  Don't you?

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