Monday, July 14, 2008

Above All Else, Guard Your Affections!

"Above all else, guard your affections. For they influence everything else in your life." Proverbs 4:23
Strong words from King Solomon. I think it is worth spending some time, thinking more about this topic if it is going to influence EVERYTHING else in our life. For the sake of simplicity, let's think of the word affections as obsessions. Ask yourself "What are you obsessed with?" What do you spend the most time thinking about? Many things come to mind.It could be your current boyfriend or girlfriend. Other obsessions include money, possessions, eating, appearance, drugs, alcohol,video games, sex,or even sleep. Some of these in itself are not bad things. However, you can take each area and easily see how an unhealthy obsession in any of these areas can truly influence everything else in your life. Before reading anything else, think about what is your main area of obsession? Be honest.
Next, ask yourself this question...are you secretive about this affection or obsession? Remember to fear areas of your life where you are wanting to keep secrets. I am not advocating to post an ad in The New York Times and confess your sins. However, infections, wounds, injuries must be brought into the open to heal. Sometimes a cut that did not heal properly must be cut open again and cleaned up in order to heal. Always, a red light should go off if you are wanting to do things in secret.Satan is the ruler of darkness, not light.
I want to stop and give an example in my own life. I will look foolish and uncool, but I am fairly sure that I am already foolish and uncool. One of my strongholds is eating too much, which leads to obsessing over my appearance which leads to low self-esteem, which affects my ministry, etc. Satan always seems to spiral our problems. However, this enforces the idea of that our affections always influence our life in many other areas.
Also, overweight people tend to eat stuff in "secret." We would not want to be seen eating a handful of cookies. Get the point?
Let's say that you have identified your area(you may have more than one) and you have observed that you tend to keep it secret, but that you want to change. What would your next step be? Obviously, you need to bring it before the Lord. We cannot change ourselves, no matter how hard we try. He can change us because he is almighty God.
I do believe that one of the first things you need to do after confessing to God, is find a person to be accountable to. Accountability is a powerful tool. In Ecclesiastes 4:9-12, it talks about how "two can accomplish more than twice as much as one." It goes on to say that"if a man falls when he is alone, who will pull him up?" Our older son, Ben, met with an accountability partner every single week, all through college. They committed themselves that they would not miss this important time. Back to my eating problem. I joined a "fat class" about 6 years ago and I am committed to it. I don't miss. Losing weight affected so many other areas of my life in a positive way.
Observe what the world is obsessed with and choose the opposite. The world sets it heart on power, I want to seek lowliness.The world sets its goal on outer beauty, I want to go inward. the world says to hoard your money for yourself, I want to give it away.The world says do not deny yourself anything. Jesus says, "Deny yourself and follow me." Eat when you want to, whatever you want. I want to eat in moderation. Have sex when you not wait for marriage. Hmmn, bad idea. Have an abortion when you is your right.
Have you ever noticed how people who are in favor of abortions think that they are non-conformists? In reality, they are simply following the crowd. That is why the verse at the top of blog is my all-time favorite. "Do not be conformed to this world!!!" The most wonderful thing happens when we do not conform to this world. We become transformed by the renewing of our minds. We prove that God's ways are perfect! Guard your heart above all else.

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