Sunday, June 30, 2013
Freedom fromFood
I thought it might be helpful to share some things I have learned about managing my weight. This has been a life long struggle. After years of trying diets, I have realized that some things just work and others not so much:). So for what it is worth, here is my list of things that work for me.
1) Plan ahead what you will eat for the coming day and/or coming week. If you know that you will have a tricky situation, plan for it. Pre-decide ahead of time. Decision anxiety will set you up for failure. Decide which restaurants are good for you and which restaurants are a death sentence, in terms of fattening foods that you know you can't resist. Decide before you go to that restaurant what you will order and do not look at the menu. Look online to see what a good choice will be. I tell the waiter when I order EXACTLY what I want and ask if that is okay. For example, I would never let them put salad dressing on the salad. It must be on the side so that I can dip my fork(yes, I said fork) and drizzle it on the salad. Make all tricky decisions ahead of time.
2) Make a mental box of what food items that you will eat for the rest of your life. Sometimes I think this is where we get bitter about having to diet. I came to this important conclusion...we do not have to have anything we want, anytime we want. As a Christian, I especially want to speak to that. We give up our rights to our life when we accept Jesus as our Saviour. We do this because his terms are so much better than our terms. His ways ALWAYS satisfy beyond what we can imagine.
We need to realize that as rich Americans(and we are all rich in comparison to most of the world) we have come to expect to have countless different food choices to consume. We think this is our right! Most of the world probably has 5 food choices. I have come to realize that the fewer the food choices I allow in my mouth, the simpler it is to make choices and the easier it is to eat healthy. We all need a denial list to be more focused in any area of our lives, especially in the area of food. I LOVE having fewer food choices. It has provided me freedom from food that I have not experienced before.
3) Track what you eat. This is an easy task, but not always done by dieters. Why? Too confronting!!! We don't want to confront the slice of pizza or the 7 cookies we ate. Because I am a Christian blogger, I need to add this perspective. Whenever we keep things secret, whether from shame or conviction, we will not be able to receive that grace that God offers us. For example, if we know that eating too many sweets is not healthy for us and we try to hide that act from ourselves or others in our lives, we are missing out on the grieving and healing process that is available to us. There are many ways to track our food and exercises. I love the smart phone apps that are free. Lose It or My Fitness Pal are just two of the ones that I know are easy to use and help set your calories and track them. For a small fee, there are apps that allow you to plan ahead and track even more than just exercises and food consumed.
4) This is not a well-known diet tip but it has worked for me. Have a meal replacement once a day. It is hard, if not impossible, to eat three low calorie meals a day without a lot of planning and commitment. I have found that if I replace one meal per day with a protein shake, I reach my calorie goals for the day with much less grief and struggle. There are many good quality shakes on the market at many price ranges. Slim fast(not very filling), Shakeology(my husband has used this for three years), Whey protein shakes, ...the list is endless.
Notice that I am not advocating a certain diet plan. I am promoting a total life style change. When I think of all that I missed by being overweight, it grieves me. Now when I am tempted with a slice of cheesecake, I quickly remind myself that I do not want to head back down that road. I cannot think of a single food item that it worth it. Try to hold up everything item of food that you know it not good for you but you don't think you could give up. Is that food item worth that much??? I realize that most people would say, " a bite of that would not matter." You have to decide for yourself if it would matter to you. Only you can decide that.
Last tidbit I want to share. I heard a well-known Navy SEAL speak this morning at my church. He said something profound. He shared that when we accepted Christ as our Saviour, we became a "marked man or woman." By that he meant that Satan has put his "scope" on my back and he will stop at nothing to bring me down. When I was lost, he was not zeroing in on my life because I was not a threat to him. But when I gave my life to Christ, I became a threat to his kingdom because I may help bring other people to Christ. For some reason this afternoon, I was contemplating discontinuing this blog. However, God can use something that I say to plant a little seed in someones heart that will ultimately bring them to saving knowledge of Jesus. I think I will accept the fact that if I stand behind Jesus, my self-esteem will be okay because writing this blog is very scary to my self-esteem. Hope this helped someone to experience freedom from food because we can be set free from areas that have us in bondage.
Friday, June 28, 2013
A Blog About Exercising
people are too lazy to plant seeds. So at harvest time, they look for food and
find nothing. (Proverbs 20:4 ERV)
As I
continue with the theme of transforming your mind, I wanted to talk about some
of the reasons I believe we are not successful in the area of weight
management. Keep in mind, these are
areas that I have struggled with and had to confront.
The major
component of success in managing our health is grit. Grit is a favorite quality
of mine:) Grit is defined as "perseverance and passion for long-term
goals. A person possessing grit does not require immediate positive feedback.
Individuals high in grit are able to maintain their motivation and focus over
long periods of time despite experiences with failure and adversity." Wow!
How true in the area of weight management. We did not become out of shape overnight
and yet we want to become in shape instantly. Remember that managing our health
is a marathon and not a sprint.
opposite of grit is laziness. Everyone has to struggle with laziness. Our first
response is to skip the workout. Always! Our second response is to do an easier
workout:). We have to keep in mind that the instant gratification is not worth
it. The long term reward is always worth the wait. The principal of delayed
gratification is true in every area of, relationships, success in school, diet and especially exercise. That is where grit comes in. Exercise will never be convenient or easy. It does not show immediate results, other than the way you feel about yourself when you are finished!
The single most
important thing that I started doing as far as managing my health was weight lifting. Yep, you read that
correctly...building muscle. As an older woman, I did not grow up seeing other
women lifting weights. Now that I have completed 1 1/2 years of weight
training, so many pieces of the puzzle are making sense. I started looking
differently even before I lost an ounce. Once I began to change my eating
habits, I found it easier to actually lose weight. I will not get into the
concepts of "muscle burns more fat" or "you will continue to
burn calories after a weight training day." I do not feel knowledgeable enough on those
topics. I will say that I am a believer
in weight training and wonder why I never knew about it for most of my life:)
Long term results concerning exercise are
listed in many articles...even increased mental acuity. A
physically fit 75 year old will be miles ahead, mentally speaking, than an
out-of- shape 75 year old. I think it is worth it to make small investments of
time, consistently, to reap large benefits in the years to come.
I will
blog about what I eat in my next blog. Nutrition is 80%. Exercise is 20%. You
cannot walk enough to take off all the weight you want to lose. I am convinced
that both components are necessary to achieving the health that we desire.
I exercised everyday on my vacation this past week. I am amazed.
I exercised everyday on my vacation this past week. I am amazed.
Friday, June 21, 2013
Learn From Your Past Mistakes
Proverbs 16:20 (ERV)
Good things happen to those who learn from their experiences, and the Lord blesses those who trust him.
It never ceases to amaze me how the Bible has an answer for all of life's issues. As I am contemplating on what to write about today, I realized that this verse is a golden nuggett of truth for those who want to lose weight and regain their health. This verse is stating the simple truth...change what you've done in the past if you want to change your future.
I teach 8th grade Algebra. Best job in the world!!! I try to teach a short lesson every year on "3rd alternative thinking." Many of my students want to make a better grade and ask me if there is bonus work to improve it. You can imagine that I am not happy with this request. They want a quick fix to a larger problem...lack of effort. I explain that most people would like to use the third alternative when they want to change their grades(or their weight). Problem is...there is no third alternative. It doesn't exist.
The first alternative is to stick with the same behaviour and get the same result. The second alternative is to change your behaviour and get different results. Most of us deceive ourselves into thinking that we can continue with our same behaviour and get different results(this is what I call the third alternative). This is not possible!
At one point in my life I weighed 80 pounds more than what I weigh now! I lost a lot of opportunities to swim with my children, ride bikes with my children and just enjoy life more. I finally realized that unless I changed, nothing would change. I literally thank God everyday that he is allowing me a second chance to swim and ride bikes with my grandsons. How incredible is that?
I have spent the last three blogs on "transforming your mind "without naming a diet plan or an exercise plan. That is because unless you get your head on straight and quit looking for the quick fix, you will not achieve your goals. I have tried in the past to lose wieght for a trip or a high school reunion or any upcoming event. But unless you committ that you want to stop the endless cycle of losing and gaining, it is just that...a quick fix and not a life change.
So before you begin your next diet, examine your motives. Why are you wanting to lose weight? If it is for life change, then are you willing to change your behaviour for the rest of your life? I decided(at age 55) that it was worth it to make changes because I would gain so much more than I was giving up.
Next blog, I want to visit some changes that made a difference for me. I will not advertise a diet plan or gym membership. This will be just stuff that worked for me. Until then, ponder this verse:
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Healthy Bodies
" Peace of mind makes the body healthy, but jealousy is like a cancer."
I think this is a good place to begin a series of blogs on being transformed by the renewing of your mind. My last blog revealed that I had made some changes in my physical health. One might follow this blog to see what kind of food that I was eating or what kind of new diet I was following. Most of the women in America are wanting to lose weght or improve their health in some way.
However, I think we need to realize that the battle must begin deeper than discovering a new diet or exercise plan. True health starts with renewing our mind and not simply eating certain foods. Google the word "diet" and countless plans will appear, each promising to be the magic answer to our weight/health problems. I am convinced that the Bible contains ALL the answers to EVERY problem we will face. After all, it is God's Word and he is all-knowing. His knowledge trumps the world's knowledge anyday of the week.
I think this is a good place to begin a series of blogs on being transformed by the renewing of your mind. My last blog revealed that I had made some changes in my physical health. One might follow this blog to see what kind of food that I was eating or what kind of new diet I was following. Most of the women in America are wanting to lose weght or improve their health in some way.
However, I think we need to realize that the battle must begin deeper than discovering a new diet or exercise plan. True health starts with renewing our mind and not simply eating certain foods. Google the word "diet" and countless plans will appear, each promising to be the magic answer to our weight/health problems. I am convinced that the Bible contains ALL the answers to EVERY problem we will face. After all, it is God's Word and he is all-knowing. His knowledge trumps the world's knowledge anyday of the week.
Proverbs states that "peace of mind makes the body healthy." I have lost most of my readers with that answer! Please stay with me here. Before any diet plans are written down, the root of the issue must be examined. Diet plans must turn into "life plans" if they are to be successful. I was reading about peace and tranquility and found this article.
"A walk through a Japanese garden, watching a gold fish swim in an aquarium, or wading our feet in a pond or lake – tranquility as our mind would imagine it to be; peace and quiet, balance, symmetry, a calming stillness.
But life is truly full of surprises. A shout here, a disturbance there – a scream, a nightmare! Life throws a curve ball when we least expect it and we fail to hit the ball and make the home run.
I thank the Lord for the writer of Proverbs. He doesn’t describe life as tranquil – because it’s not, not in this plane of existence we are in. It is a tranquil HEART that he writes about. You see, when everything around us pulls on every facet of our life, it is what is happening inside of us that matters – it is the “state of our heart” that matters. Real peace and tranquility starts from within our center – the heart. And that is only possible with a heart that is in the Hands of its Creator; a heart that has as its Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Problems and worries, whether physical, emotional, mental or imaginary – even worrying about tomorrow, has a way of weighing down on a person’s body; not only the physical body but the person as a whole. Stress robs a person of strength and will; fear immobilizes a person not to progress but to regress, to waste away. But when a person is at peace within himself, no matter what the external factors or forces may bring their way, the tranquil heart simply radiates and strengthens the individual; it is the filling of the Spirit, the empowerment of its presence, in the life of the Christian; a tranquil heart is a heart submitted to the will of the Lord."
When we make a decision to submit our eating to God's will and not our own, the plan will not be dependent on whether this is a good day to follow our diet. When our heart is submitted to God's way and not our own, we will not eat a pizza just because we had a bad day. When we are conforming to God's will and not our own, we will have "pre-decided" that no matter what the circumstance we are facing, we will not gorge ourselves on food to handle the stress. Because that is the way the world hanldes it, right? Once again, Romans 12:1-2 states:
"So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don’t become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You’ll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you."
Monday, June 17, 2013
Deep down, I knew this day would come. It was only a matter of time. I am a teacher. I love to teach. I will explode if I am not teaching something...anything.
Since my last blog post, I have made some significant changes in my life. Some are related to my overall health and outward appearance. Others have to do with some inward changes. I am writing about them with the hopes that it will be of benefit to someone who needs to make similar changes in their life, as well. In no way am I acting like I have it all together. I am the least "all-together" person I know! I am just brave enough to say some things out loud that, perhaps, need to be said.
I will write about the changes to my outward appearance. In the past year, I have lost about 35 pounds. I have been trying to lose weight for years, literally years. I am close to my weight that I was at the time of my marriage. In fact, I can fit into my wedding dress. I lift weights 2-3 times a week. I ride bikes with my husband. I am beginning a running program. I do not even recognize myself!!! I am in total amazement and complete gratitude to God. I thank him everyday that he was not happy with me in my unhealthy state.
Whether you are a believer or not, reality is that we are blessed with a body to walk around in for as long as we live on this earth. It is on loan to us. Most of my life, I trashed my body. Most of America can identify with that. Some of us abuse our body with too much alcohol. There are others who abuse their body with unnecessary drugs. Hear me when I say that I am not casting a stone of judgement! For years, my abuse was too much food and the wrong kind of food.
These abuses all stem from the same problem. I want what I want and I want it now. We are not willing to give up our rights to our body.
However, in Corinthians it clearly states
1 Corinthians 6:19-20
You should know that your body is a temple for the Holy Spirit that you received from God and that lives in you. You don’t own yourselves. God paid a very high price to make you his. So honor God with your body.
I could quote verse after verse about giving up our rights to ourselves and they all point to the same fact. We have been given this body on loan. It is not ours to trash. Another verse that God kept bringing to my heart is found in Romans, chapter 12.
Romans 12:2
Don’t change yourselves to be like the people of this world, but let God change you inside with a new way of thinking. Then you will be able to understand and accept what God wants for you. You will be able to know what is good and pleasing to him and what is perfect.
Romans 12:2 has always been a favorite verse. I cannot count the times I have said "If the world does things one way, I will do it the other way." However, for years I chose to eat the same way as the world around me. Unfortunately, I got the same results as the people around me. Most of America is overweight and out of shape. Why was I mimicking their ways unless I wanted to look just like them?
I want to do a series of blogs on "not conforming to this world but being transformed by the renewing of your mind." I believe that we will come to see that as we do things different from the world, we will prove to ourselves and others that God's way are so perfect and meant for our good.
Since my last blog post, I have made some significant changes in my life. Some are related to my overall health and outward appearance. Others have to do with some inward changes. I am writing about them with the hopes that it will be of benefit to someone who needs to make similar changes in their life, as well. In no way am I acting like I have it all together. I am the least "all-together" person I know! I am just brave enough to say some things out loud that, perhaps, need to be said.
Whether you are a believer or not, reality is that we are blessed with a body to walk around in for as long as we live on this earth. It is on loan to us. Most of my life, I trashed my body. Most of America can identify with that. Some of us abuse our body with too much alcohol. There are others who abuse their body with unnecessary drugs. Hear me when I say that I am not casting a stone of judgement! For years, my abuse was too much food and the wrong kind of food.
These abuses all stem from the same problem. I want what I want and I want it now. We are not willing to give up our rights to our body.
However, in Corinthians it clearly states
You should know that your body is a temple for the Holy Spirit that you received from God and that lives in you. You don’t own yourselves. God paid a very high price to make you his. So honor God with your body.
I could quote verse after verse about giving up our rights to ourselves and they all point to the same fact. We have been given this body on loan. It is not ours to trash. Another verse that God kept bringing to my heart is found in Romans, chapter 12.
Romans 12:2
Don’t change yourselves to be like the people of this world, but let God change you inside with a new way of thinking. Then you will be able to understand and accept what God wants for you. You will be able to know what is good and pleasing to him and what is perfect.
Romans 12:2 has always been a favorite verse. I cannot count the times I have said "If the world does things one way, I will do it the other way." However, for years I chose to eat the same way as the world around me. Unfortunately, I got the same results as the people around me. Most of America is overweight and out of shape. Why was I mimicking their ways unless I wanted to look just like them?
I want to do a series of blogs on "not conforming to this world but being transformed by the renewing of your mind." I believe that we will come to see that as we do things different from the world, we will prove to ourselves and others that God's way are so perfect and meant for our good.
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