Why, oh why, did I write that and then pray for an opportunity to do this? I was driving to a staff development class that started at 8:00 AM. Anyone that knows me can tell you that I get lost VERY easily. I was driving to a new place and was extremely nervous!
I noticed a homeless man walking down the street. The reason I assumed he was homeless is because he was pushing a cart filled with all his belongings. I thought, "Oh goodness. Bless his heart." We know what "Bless your heart means." It means we are relinquishing the matter to someone else to handle.
I am continuing to drive in my nervous, lost state of mind. I am wondering if I will find this new building. All of a sudden, God reminded me of my earlier prayer. I immediately started to argue. "No way!!! You are not talking to me, God! You know how I am. I am female. I may get lost if I turn around. I may be late and be embarrassed. I only have $5 in my purse."
This went on for less than a mile. The farther away I got, the greater the chance I had of being late. God did not scream or condemn me. He gently reminded me of my prayer. I asked for this opportunity and he provided it. I have walked with the Lord for many years and I know how good it feels to just be obedient, even when I don't understand.
So I turned around and drove back to find the man. When I reached him, I gave him the $5 and the breakfast I had planned to eat at the conference. I told him that God had asked me to stop and tell him that God truly loved him and had not forgotten him. He smiled, as his eyes filled with tears. I drove on to my conference. The song "I raise my white flag! I surrender all to you!" was on the radio. I raised my hand and told God that I surrendered to His ways, not mine.
God's accounting system is vastly different from ours. A cup of cold water given in his name is a big deal. I'm glad I gave that cup of water. Jesus said that when we give it "to one of the least of his children" it's like giving it to him. Wow!!! What an honor to serve Jesus Christ today!
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